Golden Egg Energy

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Golden Egg Energy | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0333 344 5279

Unit 2 Ashbrook Office Park Longstone Road Heald Green M22 5LB

  • Honest
  • Impartial
  • Dedicated to make you save money
  • Switch
  • Save
  • Simple

Golden Egg Energy

Golden Egg Energy | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0333 344 5279

Unit 2 Ashbrook Office Park Longstone Road Heald Green M22 5LB

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Sector: Other

Over 62%* of UK consumers per year don’t compare their energy tariffs or even look at switching their energy providers. Golden Egg Energy, a part of the Golden Egg Group, support UK consumers in seamlessly switching their energy providers, ultimately saving hundreds per year. We strive to keep energy comparison and switching a free and straightforward process. Golden Egg Energy works with energy providers to compare all UK suppliers including internet, standard and fixed tariffs, to ensure consumers get the best bang for their buck. We’re honest, impartial and dedicated to seeing consumers save money on energy bills.

Sector: Other

Over 62%* of UK consumers per year don’t compare their energy tariffs or even look at switching their energy providers. Golden Egg Energy, a part of the Golden Egg Group, support UK consumers in seamlessly switching their energy providers, ultimately saving hundreds per year. We strive to keep energy comparison and switching a free and straightforward process. Golden Egg Energy works with energy providers to compare all UK suppliers including internet, standard and fixed tariffs, to ensure consumers get the best bang for their buck. We’re honest, impartial and dedicated to seeing consumers save money on energy bills.