SanitAir Solutions Ltd

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SanitAir Solutions | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 714 4369

SanitAir Solutions Ltd 102 Higher Road Urmston Manchester M41 9AP

  • Quick Shop Smart Mister
  • Dekivery & Return Policy
  • Secured Payments
  • Home Sanitiser
  • 99.999% effective on Viruses, germes and spores

SanitAir Solutions Ltd

SanitAir Solutions | Manchester | Mpostcode Business Hub

0161 714 4369

SanitAir Solutions Ltd 102 Higher Road Urmston Manchester M41 9AP

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Sector: Health & Wellbeing

Sanitair Solutions are on a mission to ensure business can go on. Many businesses around the world have been affected by the emergence of Covid-19 during 2020, with further restrictions and harsh lockdowns business is going to have to adapt and show that they can provide safe working environments for staff and customers alike. With more scrutiny on hygiene and cleanliness businesses will have to find a way of disinfecting premises and spaces whilst also ensuring staff time is affordable (no one wants a full time covid cleaner). Sanitair believe that the SmartMister product is really the answer to most of the problems faced by business in regards to keeping the environment Covid-19 and other viruses and bacteria away.

Sector: Health & Wellbeing

Sanitair Solutions are on a mission to ensure business can go on. Many businesses around the world have been affected by the emergence of Covid-19 during 2020, with further restrictions and harsh lockdowns business is going to have to adapt and show that they can provide safe working environments for staff and customers alike. With more scrutiny on hygiene and cleanliness businesses will have to find a way of disinfecting premises and spaces whilst also ensuring staff time is affordable (no one wants a full time covid cleaner). Sanitair believe that the SmartMister product is really the answer to most of the problems faced by business in regards to keeping the environment Covid-19 and other viruses and bacteria away.